Sunday, 20 October 2013

Bulgogi and Ddukgalbi in Insadong Seoul

We had our first meal at a traditional korean restaurant in Insadong near our hotel. We were so hungry after a very long flight from Kuala Lumpur hence we wanted to eat something delicious that we were familiar with. When you are hungry it is better to be safe than sorry so we ordered the ever famous bulgogi but my boyfriend's curiosity led us also to order ddukgalbi.

The bulgogi we ordered does not look that appetizing but I can tell you that it is the best I had so far. The beef is so tender and the flavor is just right. We were unable to finish it as the serving is too big and can be shared by 3 persons.


The second dish we ordered is called ddukgalbi. It is our first time trying this dish but since it has 'galbi' on its name its fine and anything in sizzling plate will be yummy for sure. However, I did not like the dish so much as the flavor tasted bad and it is too greasy.

I forgot the name of the restaurant but you can easily find it. The restaurant where we had our first lunch is the last restaurant in Insadong 16-gil street (right side)

We spent KRW32,000 for our first meal (bulgogi, ddukgalbi and two rice). I think our meal was kind of overpriced because I was only expecting it to be around KRW20,000 as the price mentioned on the tarpaulin outside the store only ranges between 6,000 - 10, 000. We were not able to check the actual price of the dish on the menu as the owner took the korean menu (without pictures) from us and gave his mobile phone with the images of the dishes (without the prices) . We ordered by pointing out the image and we assumed that the price is within only the range we saw on the tarpaulin. 

Tip : Make sure to check the actual price on the menu before ordering as the signs outside can be deceiving.

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