Friday, 8 February 2013

A start of something new

I spent most of my free time through my fave hobbies/activities such sleeping, eating, dating, shopping, complaining, travelling, cam-whoring and watching Korean dramas.

It is now 2013 and I am getting older day by day (OMG I'm already 23) I guess it is time to add more worthwhile activities to my list 1. baking, 2. reading books and 3. blogging 

(1) Baking

Yummy cupcakes, lovely macarons and uber creative cakes from coffee shops, cafes and cake stores all around Singapore inspires me to add baking to my list. This time I just don't want to buy but I wanted to do all of these yummy bake goods with my own hands :). Hopefully it will bring some creativity in me and of course they would be yummy and pretty same as the one available in the market.

I just bought these cookbooks with yummy recipes as I am so excited and eager to start baking yay.

Cookbooks with yum yum recipes
Cake from 'The Icing Room'

Cupcakes from 'Twelve Cupcakes'
Coffee Latte and Green Tea Macarons

(2) Reading Books

I do read books when I was still studying (books related to my school subjects) but I never had a chance to read other types of books  :((

This year I made a new year resolution that once a month I must finish at least one book. 
The first book I read for the month of Jan was written by Bo Sanchez 'Stop Hidden Addictions', I guess this book was the influence why I am adding these 3 new activities on my list :), so inspired and diverting my time and energy to worthwhile activities that will enrich my life.

Jan and Feb book ;)

(3) Blogging

It is been my lifelong dream to share my thoughts to the world in a way that I can inspire other people.I don't know how yet but I will take this little step though blogging my daily experiences and happy adventures overseas. I would be active in blogging about food, fashion and fun cause my blog is 'All About F'.

Regarding my fashion blog post I would like to feature outfits wherein the total cost would be only $50 (excluding bags and accessories).
I am taking this challenge to prove to you guys that there is no discrimination in fashion. You just have to be who you are so the world will see how beautiful you really are.

Please kindly support me and hopefully I could write something that will be helpful and useful to others. (fighting!!!)

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