Monday, 2 April 2012

Hitting 2 shoes in 1 shop on a special day

Today is a special day for me and my boyfriend as we are celebrating our 57th monthsary but unfortunately we're not together as he is working in Singapore and I'm here in the Philippines having my vacation :(. I visited a mall close to our hearts, Trinoma :) as we previously celebrated most of our monthsaries when we were still students. As I don't want to ruin this special day hence I celebrated by going to my fave section in Landmark - shoes section :)), as I told in my previous post "Falling in-love with a guy can happens once in a blue moon, falling in-love with shoes happens in just a blink of an eye" ;). 

There were a lot of gorgeous shoes and new fierce designs, ranging from wedges, flats, oxfords, platforms, stilettos and hollow-block shoes (I just invented the name). I tried most of the shoes from Pd (Primadona) as they have trendy designs, I fell in-love with a black shoe with metal embellishment unfortunately they don't have my size. I also checked out some shoes from Gibi Collection, Australian and Cardams however I didn't love their designs though shoes from these brands are so comfortable. I really wanted to find a good pair today hence I went to Crossings where I know I could find new baby :)). As expected I found two must-have shoes, I got the first one from So Fab and the second one from Suelas by Liz Uy. 

My first baby was from So Fab, I think I'm gonna wear it to office hopefully it will go well with my attires. I am not really used to wearing shoes with heels but I just love the height of the heels and the rounded sole hence I did go for it. While paying at the cashier another shoe caught my attention and my heart hence after paying I immediately tried it on and that's how I met my second baby from Suelas. Though the size was larger by half an inch I did not let the opportunity to pass as its so comfy and I just so so love the metals around it, was so rock n' roll at the same time so girly hahaha; two contradicting styles in one which make it one of a kind. I just love this day, its a double celebration 57th monthsary and birthday for my 2 new babies yipee.

1st baby from So Fab
2nd baby from Suelas by Liz Uy